Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Soul Surfer

This morning we are watching Soul Surfer, Tenley's favorite show. She always asks, "Mom, can we watch that show where the girl gets bit by the shark?" Tav loves it, too. And it's also the reason he never wants to be a surfer ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's time for that baby!

Ironically the last time I posted was announcing baby 4. Now we are at 10 days till the due date and are just waiting for his arrival! It has been quite uncomfortable for me the last month. I have wanted him to come sooner than later. But now that it's down to the wire, Jer and I aren't sure we are ready! I'm excited to find out when and how #4 is going to enter the world! 
Tav snuggles right over that belly! Looks like he's giving 4 a big hug!