Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Baby Bliss

The past two weeks have been baby bliss for me! Especially the first week.  It is starting to slip away already and I'm sad. I have just been cuddling and holding him for the most part. He doesn't get set down a whole lot! I have to enjoy holding him on my chest and kissing those neck rolls...things that just don't come naturally with other people's babies. We decided to name him Thatcher Marlin. The lady from the hospital finally got ahold of me at 8 days old and that's what I gave her. Jerron had been real stressed about the name the first week but I hadn't let it worry me. I just wanted to enjoy my baby with no stress and that's what I did. I honestly was in baby bliss the first week. The kids were in Kanab with Mary, and then my mom was here to help, and I just sat and revelled in my baby. I was so happy and content with life. He made me so happy and I reconsidered my stance that this was the last baby for me. He was just too fun!! The second week brought the stress of the name tho and needing to do more than just sitting with my babe. I feel really pretty good physically, just a few things bothering me. He slept really good a few times, even 7 hours! He's now at about 4 hours at night. Which isn't bad. 

Tenley loves her brother and always wants to check on him and look at him and occasionally asks to hold him. She does a good job at it. Sometimes she helps too much tho of course. She always asks me "what can I do for you mom?" Which I think is so sweet. I don't know where she got it. She is then willing to bring me a foot stool or pillow or drink. I love it. But she isn't so willing to do other things like pick up her room, or stay off the barstools and out of the fruit snacks. She's had to sit in time out a lot and she's had quite a few tears. She wants me to do everything for her (not dad) doesn't want to leave my side for the most part-unless it's to play with Kenley or Mya, which I hate because she's obsessed with them. 

Tavin seems to be adjusting ok but it seems there has been more tears from him and he's been throwing some angry fits. He was obsessed with Thatcher's belly button. Always asking about it and when the cord would fall off. He would literally go crazy when he saw it. Groaning, covering his eyes and running away. It was funny how crazy it drove him. He loves the baby tho and likes to hold him. He's had a lizard and horny toad he likes to put on him. 

Trajen has seemed the least affected. He has changed his tune on no more babies. He would like me to have another girl for Tenley which is sweet. He was also adamant that we name him a T name. He really wanted Taylor. Then got on board with Gramps Glazier for Tracker. But then he really liked Thatcher. He thinks the baby is pretty cool and likes to hold him. He's been so busy with baseball we don't see him a whole lot. 

Jerron got really sick with vertigo and dizziness after we got home from the hospital. It was crazy because he really couldn't help very much. Bad timing! But we finally got him some meds for an ear infection and he seems to be doing better. He was really strong on being done having kids, but he has even wavered on that since Thatcher was born. We did say on the way home from the hospital that it felt good to be done and have our family here. 

I take a lot of pictures of and selfies with the baby. I love to take a nap with him. I really just want to soak him up. It's too bad he's so heavy because I like to carry him all the time but I don't know how much longer I can do that. My back is already starting to hurt!

We've had a lot of people bring in meals which has been so nice. But that's starting to die off and real life is starting! We've had visits from Brandon and Jes, Tason, Dane, grandparents, Hollie, Trina, Aunt Kristi, Juli Westwood and other ward members. Things are getting stressful for Jerron with work and he will have to leave for the summer soon, after Tasons wedding, hopefully all will go well for me after he goes!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Soul Surfer

This morning we are watching Soul Surfer, Tenley's favorite show. She always asks, "Mom, can we watch that show where the girl gets bit by the shark?" Tav loves it, too. And it's also the reason he never wants to be a surfer ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's time for that baby!

Ironically the last time I posted was announcing baby 4. Now we are at 10 days till the due date and are just waiting for his arrival! It has been quite uncomfortable for me the last month. I have wanted him to come sooner than later. But now that it's down to the wire, Jer and I aren't sure we are ready! I'm excited to find out when and how #4 is going to enter the world! 
Tav snuggles right over that belly! Looks like he's giving 4 a big hug!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Were having a baby!

Yesterday we told our kids and announced to our families that we are expecting another baby! I am only 10 weeks along but I've had quite a few people ask me if I am, so I guess it's time to just let everyone know!

We sat the kids down and had them close their eyes for a surprise. Then I but a gift bow on my belly and had them open their eyes. Trajen had excitement in his eyes and figures out what it meant. He was surprised! But then he decided he didn't want a baby because they make messes and he's tired of cleaning up messes! Then Tavin chimes in, "and their so slobbery!" Tenley just sat there in a bit of a stuppor, but then added "I'm your baby!" Haha so that didn't go as well as I'd hoped!

I sent this picture out to my family-
Everyone is excited for us!

We were hoping to get pregnant a little sooner than we did, but will squeeze the birth in right before summer due April 24. I wanted my kids closer in age than not. There will be an 8 year span between them. And a 3 1/2 year between tenley and this baby. I am feeling ok but not great. Tired a lot. Luckily Jerron is around and I can get a nap when I need one. Hungry. Some cramping and upset stomach. And feel like my size is increasing rapidly!

We are excited to meet our new little one! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sick Little Sis

Tenny threw up before bed last night. Then more liquids this morning. And again one more time. She just wants me to hold her and that is what I have been doing all day. Grateful Jerron is home today to help with Tavin so I can spend all my time snuggling her. Her skin is so clear and soft. Her curly hair is to die for. She is just perfect. She doesn't want anything to eat but will ask for toast and apple juice. She knows just what she wants and it makes me smile. I hope you get feeling better soon miss Tenley!

Friday, March 28, 2014

I Wub You, Mom

It is 2:18 AM. I am up and grateful. 

I invited the boys to sleep over in my bed since Jer is in Provo. They happily obliged. An hour or two later I wake to find Trajen shaking in the bed and worry he is having a seizure. I watch him and talk to him. I don't think it was a seizure because after a few minutes he throws up in my bed. Shakes were from the sickness I think. So he throws up in my bed. Then in the laundry basket I offer him. Then I make a mess pouring the throw up in the toilet. So I resolve to throw the basket, toilet rug and sheets out to the yard to deal with tomorrow. I put tav in his bed and traj on the couch and me back to bed. Next thing I know tenley is crying and yelling for mom. I go and rock her and she seems fine. Back to bed. She screams for me 10 minutes later. It seems her nose is bothering her so I prop her up and she says she feels better. Asks for juice. I feel her sippy and tell her I love you Tenny. She replies I wub you too mom. 

And although these events are not desirable, I'm so thankful for these kids to love and care for and I'm happy they love me too. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

This Never Happens

This never happens. That Tenley will fall asleep like this. In my arms. We are at Granny's and she was having a hard time falling asleep for her nap
so I held her and ticked her back until finally she drifted off. 

I love her perfectly smooth little face. I love the tiny little bow holding her curls from her eyes. I love her snuggled in her favorite blankie Pink. I love that she fell asleep in my arms today. I'm so lucky.